About CGD

Our Vision
To be a world leader in Earth System science and provide tools for understanding climate variability & change and addressing the risks of climate change in a collaborative and inclusive environment.
Our Mission
Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory (CGD) is part of the National Center for Atmospheric Research (NCAR), its mission is:
- Developing, using and supporting world-leading community models and simulations for Earth system science, including predictability and other societally important applications
- Co-designing Earth system research across NCAR, universities, and stakeholders throughout the world; leveraging our strengths; and fostering the next generation of Earth system scientists
- Providing trusted, innovative data analysis, tools and methods to enable new scientific discoveries
- Building and upholding a diverse community where all are equally valued, included, and respected; recognizing everyone’s essential role in advancing our scientific vision
We fulfill our mission through a strong record of achievement in scientific research, community modeling and data set development. Our success is due in large measure to numerous and diverse collaborations with other NCAR Laboratories, with the university community, with Government Laboratories, and increasingly with private industry: hereafter collectively referred to as CGD Partners. We are also very proud of our community service, leadership of national and international research programs, and educational and outreach activities.
In addressing its mission, CGD contributes to the vision and mission of NCAR, as well as to the overarching goals articulated in the strategic plan of the National Science Foundation (NSF). As such, it helps NCAR to uphold a position of world leadership in science and technology, promoting the transfer of new knowledge to society, and contributing to excellence in science and technology education.
Our vision of CGD for the future is that it will address all aspects of its mission with an ambitious, effective, and aggressive scientific program of large scope and importance. A key aspect is a commitment to a world-class scientific and technical staff, representing true diversity in people, backgrounds, and ideas. A central aspect of our strategic plan, therefore, is to attract and retain leading scientists in the field and to develop the careers of young scientists toward leadership roles. To achieve this goal, we will respect scientific uniqueness and will promote collaboration and teamwork through maintenance of a congenial, supportive, and professional working environment.
Working with our Partners, CGD will continue to develop critically needed understanding of the Earth system and its human relationships and will continue in its role as a leader of community-developed and community-owned models of the Earth system. Such sophisticated models are key tools for understanding coupled environmental systems and for incorporating the relevant physical, chemical, biological, and human processes. CGD scientists will also continue playing proactive roles in setting the research agenda to address the urgent problems facing our nation and the world. CGD will continue to move toward a more comprehensive Earth systems approach to integrative studies, including the human dimensions, and with an emphasis on bringing sound science to bear on societal decisions.