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Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2016

Start Date: Monday, December 5, 2016
End Date: Wednesday, December 7, 2016
Location: Vienna, Austria
Event URL: Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2016

The Wittgenstein Centre Conference 2016 is devoted to the scientific career and achievements of Wolfgang Lutz and features sessions covering the topics of human capital, fertility and family dynamics, aging, multiregional and multistate projections, probabalistic projections, and population, development, and environment.

Brian O'Neill and Leiwen Jiang plan to attend the conference. Brian will give a talk titled, "Population and climate change revisited," and Leiwen will give a talk titled, "Population growth, urbanization and future wildfire risks." Additional information can be found in the conference programme. Proceedings of the conference will be published in the Vienna Yearbook of Demography.