Welcome to the state of Tasmania, Australia! I began
my PhD studies and spent six months at the Institute of Antarctic and Southern Ocean Studies (IASOS) at the University of Tasmania in Hobart.
Here's a map (courtesy of the Lonely Planet) to help you locate some places:

Here are some shots that I took while in Tasmania. If
you click on the image, you can get the full-size shot.
Port Arthur, one of the original penal colonies in Australia. |
Brian and Lachlan on Mt. Wellington. |
Here's a view of Hobart and Mt. Wellington from the Derwent
river. |
Ever wondered what a real Tasmanian devil looks like? |
Dove Lake and Cradle Mountain in Cradle Mountain-Lake St. Clair
national park. |
Here I am on a mountain bike trip down Mt. Field. |
Here I am in the Wallabee pen at the Tasmanian Wildlife Park. |
Here I am with Antonio on the Overland Track in Cradle Mountain-Lake St.
Clair national park. (Picture from Irina Smolskaya.) |
Wallabee. |
A view of Hobart and the Derwent river from Mt. Wellington. |