- Code Repository
- Mailman Lists
- CIT Authentication Tester
- Monitors
- SysAdm Software
- Workday
- Space Spreadsheet
- Space Calendar
- CGD/IS Help Line: x2400
- NCAR/UCAR Help Desk
CGD Informations Systems Group
CGD Computing News
- 2020-01-24 - CGD Linux Compiler Upgrades
- 2019-11-14 - New Post Processing System andre.cgd.ucar.edu
- 2019-09-30 - Fall, 2019 Power Down
- 2018-12-6 - Before you travel....
- 2018-04-26 - Anonymous Grid FTP Server gridanon.cgd.ucar.edu
- 2018-02-8 - New Server tungsten.cgd.ucar.edu
- 2018-01-8 - NCAR/CGD GridfFTP Server Online
- 2017-12-29 - ML Power Save Your Work
- 2017-04-14 - REMINDER Mesa Lab Power Down - Today
- 2017-03-2 - NCL Upg on CGD Linux Systems Tue 7 Mar 2017
- 2017-03-23 - IDL 8.6 Available
- 2017-03-23 - CGD Cluster Hobart Additional Nodes
- 2016-08-18 - NCAR/CGD Authentication i.e., Password Changes
- 2016-08-16 - END OF LIFE harmon.cgd.ucar.edu
- 2016-06-7 - CGD Linux PGI Updates
- 2016-03-4 - CGD Linux SW Upd Intel, IDV, PGI
- 2015-01-16 - New CGD Post Processing System
- 2014-06-04 - GMail CGD/IS Recommended Training
- 2014-04-14 - Tramhill End of Life Wed 16 Apr 2014
- 2014-04-04 - REMINDER Spring Power Down 5 Apr 2014
- 2014-04-01 - REMINDER Spring Power Down 5 Apr 2014
- 2014-02-07 - New Cluster goldbach.cgd.ucar.edu
- 2014-01-14 - Re [CGD/IS News] /usr/local updates
- 2014-01-13 - [CGD/IS News] /usr/local updates
- 2013-10-23 - [CGD/IS News] Lahey Compiler End of Life
- 2013-08-28 - REMINDER Storage for Loan Available
- 2013-08-19 - Storage for Loan Available
- 2013-04-17 - MS Windows Software Update Thursday Night 4/18/13
- 2013-03-4 - [CGD/IS News] Java removal....again
- 2013-03-08 - FYI ML-330 construction equipment move
- 2013-02-25 - New diagnostic plot area.
- 2013-02-25 - New diagnostic plot area
- 2012-12-17 - CGD Loaner Tablets
- 2012-10-04 - NAG v5.3 Fortran Compiler Installed
- 2011-12-12 - REMINDER End of Life Hurricane, nrcm-mmm/cgd
- 2011-12-12 - End of Life Poorman
- 2011-12-12 - End of Life 32-bit Linux Support
- 2011-11-29 - MS Office on Windows Machines
- 2011-11-03 - CGD Mail System Upgrade
- 2011-09-08 - [CGD/IS News] Vacation Msg Server Back!
- 2011-09-06 - New Backup software.
- 2011-06-10 - Enable your Vacation message via the Web
- 2011-04-04 - [CGD/IS News] Spring 2011 Power Down
- 2011-03-11 - [CGD/IS News] Upd High Winds, Power Problems
- 2011-03-11 - [CGD/IS News] High Winds, Power Problems
- 2011-02-08 - [CGD/IS News] Webmail Attachment Corruption
- 2011-02-08 - [CGD/IS News] Goldhill is back!
- 2011-02-01 - [CGD/IS News] Decommissioning Salina, Neva
- 2011-01-27 - [CGD/IS News] New Server harmon.cgd.ucar.edu
- 2011-01-06 - [CGD/IS News] List of machines down
- 2010-12-23 - [CGD/IS News] Windows Screen Savers
- 2010-11-12 - [CGD/IS News] NCO, NetCDF, HDF5 updated
- 2010-10-21 - [CGD/IS News] NCO, NetCDF, HDF5 updates
- 2010-09-09 - Voicemail access via email
- 2010-07-16 - UCAS/Kerberos Upg #2 New Date, Password Changing
- 2010-07-16 - New UCAS Authentication
- 2010-06-15 - Update www.ccsm - www.cesm
- 2010-06-02 - www.ccsm - www.cesm Transition
- 2010-04-23 - Calgary Decommissioning Wed 5 May 2010
- 2010-04-05 - Spring Power Down Fri 09 Apr - Sun 11 Apr 2010
- 2010-03-23 - CGD Storage Upgrade
- 2010-03-01 - Test 1
- 2009-12-22 - Attn Adobe Updates
- 2009-11-23 - Windows 7 proposed timeline
- 2009-11-04 - CGD Systems up
- 2009-10-22 - /project /fs available on Macintosh and Windows
- 2009-10-12 - ML Fall Power Down Sat 17 Oct 09
- 2009-09-22 - Change in CGD FTP data management
- 2009-08-28 - New Post Processor Online TramHill
- 2009-08-20 - Recent CGD Compute Outages/Slow Downs
- 2009-07-21 - Windows and MacIntosh Backup Status
- 2009-07-21 - NCAR/CGD Syswrk Wed 22 Jul 09
- 2009-05-26 - Bangkok Cluster End of Life Wed 3 Jun 09
- 2009-05-18 - CGD Linux Upgrades
- 2009-03-31 - Linux acroread - xpdf
- 2009-03-20 - New Help Desk
- 2009-03-10 - New web site SSL Certificates
- 2009-02-03 - Vista Upgrades Machines with minimum memory requirements
- 2009-02-03 - Vista Upgrades Machines not meeting requirements
- 2009-02-03 - Vista Upgrades Machines not meeting Memory requirements
- 2008-12-30 - Printer Mars is out for the count
- 2008-12-12 - Power Outage
- 2008-11-11 - Apple Leopard Software Upgrades
- 2008-10-21 - Windows printing problems to bert and ernie
- 2008-10-15 - Printer Zeppo Down for Service
- 2008-10-08 - DOWN bangkok
- 2008-09-29 - NCAR/CGD Machine Rm Temp - UPD 01 Lost AC
- 2008-09-24 - Operating System Upg Apple, Microsoft, Linux
- 2008-09-23 - ML Fall Power Down 03 Oct 08 - 04 Oct 08
- 2008-09-17 - Printer Seurat Dead
- 2008-09-11 - File Server Reboot 1600 Thu 11 Sep 08
- 2008-08-23 - [Nsag] Meeting Maker Revert
- 2008-08-08 - Voicemail upgrade!!!
- 2008-08-08 - VPN Change to Require CryptoCard
- 2008-08-07 - Internet Browsing and certificates
- 2008-07-11 - Re Mineral Up Shortly - A little longer
- 2008-06-25 - New Copier/Printer
- 2008-04-24 - Phishing by Telephone-BACK
- 2008-04-24 - Phishing by Telephone
- 2008-03-10 imap-email
- 2008-03-10 - imap-email
- 2008-02-29 soft-link-files
- 2008-02-29 - soft-link-files
- 2008-02-28 storage-email
- 2008-02-28 realplayer-email
- 2008-02-28 adobe-email
- 2008-02-28 - storage-email
- 2008-02-28 - realplayer-email
- 2008-02-28 - adobe-email
- 2007-10-25 hosts-down
- 2007-10-25 - hosts-down
- 2007-07-20 Discontinued use of browsers on Solaris CGD Computers
- 2007-07-20 - Discontinued use of browsers on Solaris CGD Computers
- 2007-06-28 host-shutdown-order
- 2007-06-28 - host-shutdown-order
- 2005-12-05 downtime_details.txt
- 2005-12-05 downtime_all.txt
- 2005-12-05 - downtime_details.txt
- 2005-12-05 - downtime_all.txt
- 2005-08-15 isgnews.txt
- 2005-08-15 - isgnews.txt
- 2004-08-23 salina
- 2004-08-23 - salina
- 2004-08-20 applerecall
- 2004-08-20 - applerecall
- 2004-08-09 calgary
- 2004-08-09 - calgary
- 2004-01-23 DIG-REPORT-011503.pdf
- 2004-01-23 - DIG-REPORT-011503.pdf
- 2004-01-06 openhouse2004
- 2004-01-06 - openhouse2004
- 2003-06-12 downtime_calendar.txt
- 2003-06-12 - downtime_calendar.txt
- 2003-06-05 downtime_details.txt.old
- 2003-06-05 downtime_details-030529
- 2003-06-05 - downtime_details.txt.old
- 2003-06-05 - downtime_details-030529
- 2003-03-21 downtime_calendar-030321.txt
- 2003-03-21 - downtime_calendar-030321.txt
- 2003-02-21 downtime_calendar-0202.txt
- 2003-02-21 - downtime_calendar-0202.txt
- 2003-01-30 fy03-upgrade.pdf
- 2003-01-30 - fy03-upgrade.pdf
- 2002-10-31 clusterinfo
- 2002-10-31 - clusterinfo