2020 ACCP Modeling & Assimilation Virtual Workshop
Confronting Future Models with Future Satellite Observations of Clouds and Aerosols
The virutal workshop was held November 10th & 12th, 2020. You can view the recorded videos below and see the discussions page for the discussion documents.
Recorded Presentations
Day 1: ACCP Overview
Day 1: Future of Modeling
- Weather/Assimilation Models [Curtis Alexander, NOAA]
- Climate/Weather Models [Steve Klein, LLNL, Andrew Gettelman, NCAR]
- Air Quality/Composition Models [Vincent-Henri Peuch, ECMWF]
- Process and convection models [Adam Varble, PNNL]
Day 2: Future Observing System
- Past, present and future of satellite observations [Matthew Lebsock, NASA/JPL]
- Aerosol observations from Space [Rob Levy, NASA/GSFC]
- Assimilation and Observation Simulation [Arlindo Da Silva, NASA GSFC, Derek Posselt, NASA JPL]
Day 2: Model-Data Synthesis
- Assimilation of clouds [Alan Geer, ECMWF]
- A-Train model-data comparisons [Tristan L’Ecuyer, U. Wisc]
- Suborbital Data and Modeling of Clouds and Aerosols [Paquita Zuidema, U Miami]
Event Scope
NASA is planning the next generation of earth observations for clouds and aerosols. Observations will be available towards the end of the decade. This workshop will bring together experts in simulations and satellite observations of clouds, aerosols and chemistry to explore the following questions of critical importance to NASA and the community:
- What will be the critical science questions for clouds and aerosols in 10 years?
- Where will simulations across scales of space (process models to global) and time (nowcasting to climate prediction) be in 10 years?
- What data will be available from space? What data should be available?
- What are the state of the art methods for confronting models with cloud and aerosol observations, including assimilation and climatological analysis techniques?
Event Goals
The NASA ACCP Study Team would like to (1) survey the modeling community for where models may be in 10 years, (2) understand the state of the art for analysis and assimilation of earth observations, and (3) enhance interactions between satellite and modeling experts for cloud and aerosol science by challenging the community to think about new methods for model-satellite observation synergies.
The results of the workshop are expected to be a report with answers to the 4 questions above.
Event Organizing Committee
Andrew Gettelman, Graham Feingold, Greg Carmichael, Arlindo Da Silva
Event Details
- Event dates: 10 - 12 November 2020
- Event times: 8:00AM Colorado (UTC-6)
- Location: Virtual via WebEx
- Agenda: View Online
Event Agenda
Each day will run from 8-11 MT (10-13 ET, 15-18 GMT, 16-19 CET, 22-1 Japan)
Day 1 November 10, 2020 |
8:00 AM | Welcome & Introduction |
8:10 AM | Introduction to ACCP By: Graeme Stephens, NASA/JPL |
8:30 AM | Discussion of four intro talks by modelers |
9:10 AM | Panel discussion of modeling talks |
9:25 AM | Breakout group instructions |
Break | |
9:30 AM | Breakout groups: Answer modeling questions |
10:20 AM | Synthesis & Summary |
Day 2 November 12, 2020 |
8:00 AM | Discussion of observing system talks |
8:40 AM | Observing System panel discussion |
Break | |
9:00 AM | Model-data synthesis talks discussion |
9:30 AM | Panel discussion of model-data synthesis |
9:45 AM |
Breakout groups:
Break | |
10:30 AM | Closing plenary, next steps |