2020 ACCP Modeling & Assimilation Virtual Workshop
Meeting Documents
Day 1:
- Introduction to ACCP Observations [Graeme Stephens, NASA/JPL]
- Discussion of Modeling
- Weather/Assimilation Models [Curtis Alexander, NOAA]
- Climate/Weather Models [Steve Klein, LLNL, Andrew Gettelman, NCAR]
- Air Quality/Composition Models [Vincent-Henri Peuch, ECMWF]
- Process and convection models [Adam Varble, PNNL]
- Day 1 Summary
Day 2:
- Discussion of Observing System
- Past, present and future of satellite observations [Matthew Lebsock, NASA/JPL]
- Aerosol observations from Space [Rob Levy, NASA/GSFC]
- Assimilation and Observation Simulation [Arlindo Da Silva, NASA GSFC, Derek Posselt, NASA JPL]
- Discussion of Model-Data Synthesis
- Assimilation of clouds [Alan Geer, ECMWF]
- A-Train model-data comparisons [Tristan L’Ecuyer, U. Wisc]
- Suborbital Data and Modeling of Clouds and Aerosols [Paquita Zuidema, U Miami]
- Day 2 Summary