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CGD/IS Help Files
Mobile Device Configuration
Setting up your email account on a Mobile Device
- Go to Mail icon.
- Click on the Manual Setup at the bottom left corner
- User name: enter in your email username.
- password: enter in your email password.
- IMAP Server: webmail.cgd.ucar.edu.
- Port: 993.
- Security Type: ssl (accept all certificates).
- IMAP Path Prefix: leave blank / Optional.
- Press next to continue with SMTP Server. Once on that screen, enter in these settings
- SMTP: ndir.ucar.edu
- Port: 587.
- Security Type: TLS (accept all certificates).
- Port: 993.
- username: Your UCAS username (user@ucar.edu).
- Password: Your UCAS password.
- Now click through next and fill out the name, etc. You are done. You now have should be able to send and receive email on your mobile device.
- If you have any other questions or concerns, please
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