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CGD/IS Help Files
03.04 - E-mail Quota Explained
With the switch to Google Apps, your email quote is now 30GB. However, there are a couple of caveats:
- The 30GB quota includes both e-mail and documents stored in your account in Google's cloud.
- Documents created with Google Docs do not count against your 30GB quota.
- 30GB is a lot of room, however, if you do need more space, it is possible to purchase additional space if absolutely necessary.
For those of you that used to use your Trash folder as a filing cabinet, please be mindful that since we switched to Gmail, the contents of your Trash folder are automatically deleted every 30 days!
UCAR has setup an internal help site for all things Google Apps.
Quick starts, training videos and FAQs are all available here:
Google Apps Support Site
For a list of all CGD/IS documentation, see:
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